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Herausgeber:PRO-ECO svetovanje in storitve na področju upravljanja z okoljem in razvoja, d.o.o., Ljubljana; Srednja zdravstvena Å¡ola Ljubljana (Secondary School of Nursing Ljubljana), Poljanska cesta; BRAGI, Vizualne komunikacije, Urh Ferlež s.p. (BRAGI, Visual communications), Cigaletova ulica 4, 3000 Celje 
Autor:Pro ¡V Eco: Beno Stern, Irena Stupar Secondary School of Nursing Ljubljana: Alojzija Fink, Lucija Matiè, Elizabeta Pikovnik, Dejan Rudolf, Miha Bojoviè BRAGI, Visual communications: Urh Ferlez 
PC, broadband internet connection, Internet Explorer web browser or Mozilla Firefox web browser, Installed Flash player ver.I or higher 
Abstract:E-NURSING CARE: E-ZNE project result represents an e-learning course consisting of 60 hours of e-learning materials which can be used in nursing schools within nursing care. E-learning content has 7 subtopics. 
Inhalt:Features and components of E-nursing care: E-learning content is divided into seven subtopics: Parenteral administration of therapy (what is the parenteral administration of therapy, method of application of therapy (subcutaneous, intramuscular, intravenous), meaning and interpretation of the terms associated with parenteral administration of therapy). Documentation (collection of data from the nursing care, documentation and different types of records for nursing care, why it is important to document the nursing care, rules on the handling of documents, electronic medical records and temperature paper). Pharmaceutical drugs, medications (what are drugs and how they work, classification of drugs by classification ATC, various dosage forms of medicines according to the application site and the physical state, where and how to store medicines, possible ways of application of therapy, rules that must be taken into account in applying therapy, possible adverse effects during administration of therapy, anaphylactic shock and the proper response to the occurrence of adverse effects). Nursing interventions (correct procedure for the preparation and implementation of nursing interventions, the importance of hand washing and hand disinfection, use of protective gloves, technique without touching). Injection administration aid (different types and sizes of syringes and needles, different types of ampoules and vials, the use of sharps collector, other devices for application injections). Administration of injections (devices used for aspiration of therapeutic effects, suctioning of the active ingredient of glass ampoules, suctioning of the active ingredient in the double ampoule, suctioning of the active substance from the vial, suctioning of the active substance in the two chamber vial). Check your knowledge and understanding (different types of tasks). E-learning content is used: as 60 hours of vocational training in Nursing schools within learning module “Diagnostic and therapeutic procedures and interventions†and within practical tuition; within elective subjects (e.c. psychiatric care, dental care, palliative care, geriatric care, rescue activities); in practical education – by the employer and within learning module nursing care for children and adolescents. Advantages of e-learning material E-ZNE: It allows an inductive approach to learning (the idea gradually develops and leads to the final result); interactive elements in the material allow the active role of the participant; multimedia elements in the material allow for the receipt of information through different sensory channels; enable exchange of views and knowledge with other participants; enable self assessment and enable individual and time adjusted learning with different types of tasks and interactive elements what encourages participants to think and look for solutions.
Bildungsbereich:Berufsbildung, Hochschule, Weiterbildung/Fortbildung, Erwachsenenbildung 
Bildungskategorie:medizinische Bildung 
7.2. Lebenschancen und Bildung
Systematik:Berufliche Bildung, Gesundheit, Informationstechnische Bildung, Pädagogik, Weiterbildung
16.4 Punkte - empfehlenswertes didaktisches Multimediaprodukt – gut (2)
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