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Titel:The Magic Potion - a digital adventure game for students with mild intellectual disability
Herausgeber:Laboratory of New Technologies in Communication, Education and the Mass Media, Faculty of Communication and Mass Media Studies, University of Athens, Greece 
Autor:EPINOISI Project Team, Scientifically Responsible for the EPINOISI Project: Prof. Michalis Meimaris 
Hersteller-Jahr:2008 - 2009 
Windows XP, Flash Player software installed 
Abstract:The Magic Potion (tMP) game ist a stand-alone Flash-based game for learning developed for students with mild intellectual disability within the EPINOISI Project. tMP is a tale-based adventure game organised in four episodes and some 20 micro-games for literacy, numeracy and everyday life skills. The learning aganda is hidden behind fun and gameplay progresses towards the end through challenges that alternate with story-telling. The structure of the game is non linear and episodes/Games can be repeated or skipped. The literacy and numeracy games are also available as stand-alone applications with dynamically loated tutor-defined learning content. tMP has been tested with success by 200 special education teachers and 500 students and their detailed comments have been incorporated in the final version of the game (tMP v2.0) delivered on March 2009 
Inhalt:Development of The magic Potion game (tMP) within the EPINOISI project meets a twofold objective: from a learning outcomes perspektive, it provides modular game-based material to basic literacy, numeracy and social skills that contribute to eceryday life autonomy the ultimate goal of special education; and from a learning process perspective, it provides an amusing game play experience that mobilizes students and enhances their self-confidence, hiding the educational agenda and taking away the feelings of stress and failure often inherent in the special education process. The plot of the game is simple, to eliminate risks of confusion: One day a dark cloud in the sky makes the rainbow disappear, and the elders of the village ask the children to go and bring back the four colors; once this is accomplished, the final test ist to mix the colors following a secret recipe and come up with the magic potion that will bring the ainbow back to the village and make everyone happy again. tMP ist a stand-alone Flash application but not a single-hero game, there is a whole company of characters who alternate in the control of the player and aid each other. Therefore, the game itself delivers the social and affective setting which is necessery for learning to occur. Apart from that, a fundamantal objective ofgame plot, dialogues and outcomes is to have fun. Still, as this is meant to be a game for learning, gameplay progresses towards the end. bearing in mind the eventual tendency of special education children towards repetition, game design has (a) avoided tread-milling; and (b) made failure funny, and success even more funny that failure. The game is a made up of four episodes (corresponding to the pursuit of the four colors) and comprising narrative scebes and some 20 micro-games in totaö (mathematics, language, everyday life skills). Yet, this structure is loosely-coupled; episodes can be entered and exited at any time and any turn, narrative scenes ans micro-games can be played or skipped, and there is nomemory (objects gained etc.) persistent beyond the boundaries of any single episode, which would impose some sort of in-game linear dependencies. This is in line with the educational process itself for the games intended audience, which is highly characterized by non-linear changes of focus on different learning subjects. The games comes with a simple tutorial mode for familiarization with the game controls (mouse and arrow keys), to cater for students not yet acquainted with these. And last but not least, the language and methematics micro-games have been also made available as stand-alone games with an interface for loading dynamic content such as teacher-defined vocabulary and arithmetic problems.
Bildungsbereich:Vorschule, Schule, Sonderschule 
Bildungskategorie:eurokulturelle Bildung, interkulturelle Bildung, mathematische Bildung, muttersprachliche Bildung 
Systematik:Freizeit, Fremdsprachen, Sachgebietsübergreifende Themen
Auszeichnungs-Art:Comenius-EduMedia-Siegel und Comenius-EduMedia-Medaille 
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