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Herausgeber:Pro-Eco, Slowenien 
Autor: Development of course programme and 3D simulations: Beno Stern, Marko Govek, Nenad Logaf Developmenot t 2D simulations: lvlartinK rippnerR, olandM illa,A rminB achatzA, lbertc ollup, Katrin HametnerM, ichaeHl olasekN, orberBt eck Conceplual development of e-learning course for lglgltrlilliry !9v9!: IngeborgG rdmer,M ichaelaH UttlK, arinK ronbergefD, anielaL eitner Conceptuadl evelopmento f eJearningc oursef or gppgllllEglt levg: SuzanaG e|sak,J anaF lorjandieA,l esZ itnik,I ngeborgc romer, LlichaelaH uttl,K arinK ronbergerD, anielaL eitner Gonceptuadl evelopmento f e-learningc ourset or Sggqllhry !.eyg: ldaT armanS mit,A ugoustisV etsos,E fstratioNs eirosM, iltiades Souglanisl,\ rariaK aradiouA, risC hronopoulos Conceptuadl evelopmento f elearning coursef or !94!94!9yg!: BarbaraB ajd,D uSanK mel,l oannaB ora,V asilikHi atzi,V asile,os MakropoulosA,n astasiaK ikemeniR, eginaK lausnerM, ichaela FischerM. artinP ahovnikar 
PC broadbandin ternect onnection InterneEt xplorewr ebb rowser InstalledF lashp layerv er.I or higher 
Abstract:The developede rourses are one of the main 3DbioLabp roiect Jesults- One subiect, four diftercnt levels, accordant with curriculumso f tour differentE U countries{ SloveniaA. ustriaa nd Greece)- The subject of the courses is the anatomy and functionality of humane ye, its partsa nd the senseo f sight connectiono f human eye with the brains. The coursesf,r om PrimaryS chooll owef level,t o the Tertiaryl evel (faculties)a, re similadys tructuredw ith differencesin attentiont o detailsa, ndt he extento fthe testingm odules. The courses contain 2D graphics, pictures and animations, as wella s 3D animations,w hichc an be controlledb y the viewer. All the levelso f the coursesa ddressth e structureo f the humane ye, how it works, the functions of different parts of the eye, eye conditionas ndt estingm odule. All coursesa re availablefr ee of cha.ge in SCORMf ormatt o be integratedin LMS´So r in Autorunv ersiono n the officaapl rolectw eb page (www 3dbiolabneucourses). 
Inhalt:The humane ye is a significanht umans ense organ and allows humansc onsciousl ight perceptiona nd vision. lt includesc olour differentiatioann d the perceptiono f depth.T he humane ye has a 200´viewing angle and can see 10 million colours (Wikipedia, 2009).W ith visionw e obtaina bout7 0 % of all informationE. ye is thereforeo ne of the crucialp aft of humanb ody,s peciallys enses and learning about eye and viEion is t.aditionally positioned in curriculaa t all three levelso f education;p rimarys, econdarya nd tertlaryle vel. At least from Leonardo Da Vinci´s time the human and animal anatomyis learneda ndt aughta lsof romp icturesF. ord escribinge ye anatomyw e c€n uset housanda ndt housando fwords,b utt he result will neverb e the samea s usinga singlep ictureT. he combinatioonf text and images in teaching and learning is lhereforc an old didacticarlu le.W ith the new technology,e learning with 2D and 3D simulations,w e calnb e even more illustrativea nd clear and thereforcm ore understandableH-a ve in mind cognitivet heoryo f multimediale aming,s ciencei n generala nd biology and anatomy as specifics ub.iocpt resenti dealtopicsf or multimedial earning. According to the statements above and bearing in mind that simulationo f biologyo bjectsa nd processesc an bridget he gap between theory and practical experience, resulting in better visualisationa nd understandinogf differents cience phenomena, 3DbioLab e-learnlng courses descJibes the human eye frcm differcnt aspecls thJough text, pictures, gJaphics, 2D and 3D simulations at all three level of educationi t. LOWER PRIMARY LEVEL focuses on inner and outer structurc of the eye and aho\i6 how the eyes work. Withine ye anatomyp upilsc anf ind out the partao fthe ey€ namely pupil, eye b.ows, iri6, eye lid5, tear glands and eye la6heso n simplea nd understandabwlea y through2 D simulationT. hrough3 D simulatiolnh e structureo f the eye is presonted namely comea, scleE, iris, pupil, lens, eye anatomyt herei s alsop resentedth e way howt he eyes work (2D simulation)I.n the detail this tooic is oresented through2 different2 D simulationsni eaFightednessa nd farsightedness where the pupil can see why person is nearsighteodr farsightedF. ollowing4 differenet xpe ments pupil can find out whal is th6 illusion, why two eyes aJe bett€r then one, what is the blind spot and what can do the flash light. Afrerl earninga boutt he eye pupilc an test him/he.s elft hrougha nsweringd ifferenqt uestionsa boutt he parts of the eye and see the level of his/her new gained knowledgeF. or thosew ho are more interestedin the eye and wants to leam more about. exlended infomation are available and the gnd of e"lea,ning couJse for lower primaryle vel.H eret heyc an learna boutc oniunctivitis,t he role of teaF, colour blindn€33, how animals see the wo.ld and why animals´ eyes shine in tha dark. UPPER PRIMARY LEVEL is an upgrade of lower p mary level e-learning couFe. Accoding to the pupils´ age and upperl evelp rimarys choolc uniculah erep upilc an alsof ind out what to do when the eyes dont work prope.ly and which tho parts of the blain arc namely coiex, hemispherc, frontal lobe, motor area, padetal lobe, and atea of genelal senaation, temporal lobe, auditory area, occipltall obe and visual area,A ll the partsa re shortlya nd understandable described and suooorted with 2D simulationsW. ithin3 differents imulatjonsb esidesl earning about neaGightedness and farsightedne$ pupils can also learna bouta stlgmatism( 2D simulations)A. s distinct from lower primary level within presentation of 6 dilferent experimentpsu pilb esidesl earninga boutt hs illu6ion,w hy two eyes arc better then one, what is the blind spot and what can do the flash light, they can also learn about accommodalion of lho lens and find out if they have "x - ray vision". Lastd istinctionis madea nt he test partwhere the pupilsc €na nswero n difierenqt uestionsc oncerninga lso the atructurc of the brain and their Da s. SECONDARY LEVEL follows the structure ot prlmary level e-leaming couise but the conlent here is much more dctailed and in{epth and the parts of the eye are wrilten also in Latin woads.B esidesth e topicsd escribedin lower primarya nd upperp rimaryl evel pupilsi n secondaryle vel can throughoutth e 3D simulationa lsol earna bouts ix slrap like musclos and thrce types of eye glands namely lachrymal gland€ {glandulae lacrima1e3),s ebacooug glands and palpeblal glands, Through 2D simulations pupilsc an discoverp rotectivep aatso f the eye (eye llds, eye lashea, eye brcws and coniunctiva) and build up their knowledgea boutt he brain. As distinctf rom primaryl evel pupils here are also able to explore the visual pathway of the b6in, Tests in the secondaryle vela re more complex and adiusted to the knowledgea nd developmenlte velt o pupilsa t ageb etween1 4 and ´18. TERTIARYL EVELw hicht argetst he studentsa t university and in the adult education is due to the knowledge of students presented in English languaqe only (other 3 levelsa rc in Slov6ne,G ermana nd Grcekl anguage).T he structuref or tertiary level e-leaaningc ourse follows the prevaoutsh fee levels.T he topica hore are the same as in secondaryl evela nd´ items"a rew ritteni n Latin words; the 4, distinctionis that levelp uts the emphasb onthe oyo illno3goa for example double vblon, cno6a eyed and Home/r 3yndrome, which is in accordance with the cumcula at tertiary level of education. Te same as previous threel evelst eniaryl eveli ncludeste stsa nd is supportedb y text, picturesg, raphics2, D and 3D simulationsF. or those who want to learn more about the ey€s illnesaes they can find extendedd escriptionso f those in specaapl art of elearntngc ourse
Bildungsbereich:Schule, Sekundarstufe I, Sekundarstufe II, Weiterbildung/Fortbildung, Erwachsenenbildung 
Bildungskategorie:naturwissenschaftliche Bildung 
16.4 Punkte - empfehlenswertes didaktisches Multimediaprodukt – gut (2)
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