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Titel:Pyramidia- A tool for creating rich media e-learning material
Herausgeber:Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Computerwesen, Kroatien - Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Zagreb 
Autor: Predrag Pale, lvan Miletic, Hrvoje Pandzic, Zvonko Kostanjcar 
Hersteller-Jahr:2007 bis 2009008 
Windows XP  
Abstract:Pyramidias a toolb r creatinrgi chm ediae -learnincgo ntentl.t ´s primaryfu nctionis to recorda lectureT. wov ideos treamsa re reeordeda: camerac apturesth e lecturear ndd esktopr ecording captureesv erythinpgr esenteodn t hec omputesrc reenI.n a ddition ana udioc hanneils recordecdo ntaininbgo thl ecturervso icea nd everythingp layedfr omt hec omputer. A PowerPoinptr e.sentiatiiosn u seda s the backboneo f the lecture, althougahn yo thert oolc anb eu sedd uringre cording interchangeably. Afterh e lecturet,h e recordingis automaticalelyn richedw itht ext accompanyienagc hs lidek, eywordsin, dicesh, yperlinktos extemal materialasn dr esour@ass w ella sw ithq uestionasn da nswers" Duringp laybacka, s tudencta nr andomlbyr owseth roughth e recordinga ccordingto the contenot f the lecturep, auset he playbackfo, llowe xtemalli nksa, nsweqr uestionasn dr etumto the playbacakt will. Ther ecordingp rocessis designedto be as simplea s possible allowinigt t o beu sedb ya uthoras ndl ecturewr itho nlyb asiclT literacv 
Inhalt:Pyramidiias a toolf orc reatinrgi chm ediae -leamincgo ntentl.t ´s primaryfu nctionis to re@rda lectureT. wov ideos treamsa re recordeda: camerac apturesth e lecturear ndd esktopr ecording capturese verythingp resentedo n thec omputesr qreenI.n addition ana udioc hanneisl recordecdo ntaininbgo thl ecturervso icea nd everythingp layedfr omt hec omputer. A PowerPoinDt resentatioisn u seda s the backboneo f the lecture, atthowha nyo thert oolc anb eu s€dd uringre cording interchangeably. Aftert hel ecturet,h e recordingis automaticalelyn richedw itha ll contenftr omt he PowerPoinptr esentatiouns edf or the lecture. A PowerPoipnltu g-inis d esigneedn ablinagu thotro amende ach slidew iths eparatein formationh:y perlinktso extemaml aterial6 locatede itherlo callyo nt hes tudent´cso mputeorr globalloy n Intemetk eywordsin, dicesa ndq uestionasn da nswers. Duringp laybacks,l iden otesa ndt hesea dditionainl formatioan rcpresenteidn separatew indowsa nda rc changeda s the playback advancesto the nexts lide. Duringre cordingsl,i det ransitionasr er ecognizeadn dt heht imea nd slidet itlea rer ecordedT.h usd uringp laybacka, l isto f alls lides(t heir titles)a ndt he timesw hent heyo ccura rep resent€dto studento chooseft om.T hereforea, studenits notf orcedt o @nsume sequentiatllhye w holer ecordinogr to browseb lindlym ovingth e slidebabr utc an rathers eekt o a slidew iths oecificc ontenot f interest, Anytimea ftert he recordingt,h e PowerPoincto ntent€anb e updated orovidetdh atn umbeor f slidesa ndt heiro rdera ren otc hanoe
Bildungsbereich:Berufsbildung, Hochschule, Weiterbildung/Fortbildung, Erwachsenenbildung 
Bildungskategorie:informationstechnische Bildung, technische Bildung 
Systematik:Informationstechnische Bildung, Weiterbildung
13.2 Punkte - geeignetes didaktisches Multimediaprodukt – befriedigend (3)
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