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Titel:The 100 Club Show (Die 100 Club Show)
Herausgeber:RVU educational broadcasting organization, P.O. Box 1950, 1200 BZ Hilversum, The Netherlands; www.clubvan100.nl 
Autor:Bram von Splunteren 
Begleitmaterial:Website: www.clubvan100.nl 
Abstract:Multimedia concept in which people help each other with all kinds of things, from small to bigger. Starting point is the website clubvan100.nl. The televion programmes are based on the requests for help on the site, the often moving reactions and the stories arising from this.In this episode, called The Miracle, we see the story of Claudia (21) and her mother Diane, who is active on the site of the 100 Club Show. In 2007 Diane asked for advice and support concerning her daughter who tried to commit suicide two years ago. In a dark period in her life, Claudia jumped from her room and fell 12 metres down. She did not die, but the doctors said she would live like a plant for the rest of her life.Claudia had heavy brain damage and was in a coma for a long time. When the doctors stopped her treatment, her mother Diane took up the rehabilitation herself. After a while Claudia began to eat on her own again. Gradually she started to talk again and still she´s making progress.But what´s it like to live with such limitations when you had wanted to die?And how is it for a mother to devote her life to the recovery of her child?Director Bram van Splunteren tried to find the answers to these questions by filming mother and daughter for a period of two weeks. 
Inhalt:Purpose of the programWith The 100 Club Show RVU tries to inspire people to do something for each other. By making internet the focus of the series RVU manages to really bring people together. The television programmes follow the internet stories, and not the other way around, as is usually the case. This makes The 100 Club Show highly innovative. Because of its innovative programmes, like The 100 Club Show, RVU was elected Dutch Media Company of the Year 2006 in the annual competition organized by the Dutch trade journal Broadcast Magazine. Club van 100 ist ein Multimediakonzept, das auf der Idee basiert, dass sich Menschen gegenseitig helfen. Auf der Basis von Anfragen auf der Site www.clubvan100.nl wurden verschiedene Fernsehsendungen ausgestrahlt. In der Episode "Das Wunder" wird das Leben der 21jährigen Claudia gezeigt, die bei einem Selbstmordversuch sehr schwer verletzt wurde, aber überlebte. Ärzte sagten, sie würde den Rest ihres Lebens wie eine Pflanze verbringen. Gemeinsam mit ihrer Mutter Diane erobert sie sich aber Schritt für Schritt das Leben zurück, der Film begleitet sie in ihrem Alltag und auf dem beschwerlichen Weg ihrer Rehabilitation.
Bildungsbereich:Schule, Sekundarstufe I, Sekundarstufe II, Erwachsenenbildung 
Bildungskategorie:ethische Bildung 
Systematik:Ethik, Freizeit, Kinder- und Jugendbildung, Medienpädagogik
16 Punkte - empfehlenswertes didaktisches Multimediaprodukt – gut (2)
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