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Titel:optijd voorbereid (rechtzeitig vorbereitet)
Herausgeber:Tactus, Addition Treatment Institute, Institutenweg 1, 7521 PH Enschede, The Netherlands; www.tactus.nl 
Autor:K. Buist, M. Platenkamp (content) The Factor-e (Technik) 
Produktumfang:Website www.optijdvoorbereid.nl 
Begleitmaterial:- General brochure ‘Prepared in Time’ - Information card for the teachers’ office - Announcement for the school website or magazine - Manual for the e-learn module - Starting card (quick guide) - Image Profitacto, icon of the program - Profitacto’s introduction letter - 10 frequently asked questions and corresponding answers. - The program involves 2 standard class assignments, several optional class assignments and one preparative group assignment that motivates parents to attend the parents meeting. The desired materials can be downloaded from the teachers environment. - Apart from that, a board game called ‘Breinweg’ (Brain(a)way) comes along with the program, just as de Anti-peukenpas (anti-fag card, by Stivoro) and a Klokhuis DVD (fragment on addiction from the informative NPS-children series The Core). 
Flash 9, Internet Explorer 6 
Abstract:Prepared in Time is a new digital educational program that prepares primary school children for dealing with alcohol and tobacco.The program focuses on the risks of irresponsible usage of those two substances. A good moment to start giving guidance is primary school group 8, where children are eleven or twelve years old, an age at which some are already experimenting with alcohol, while others may be considering smoking their first cigarette. So there is every reason to already pay attention to these subjects.Prepared in Time is both fun and informative. The program addresses knowledge, attitude en behaviour and matches the current Dutch educational modernization. Furthermore it is appealing to children.The teacher decides when children work at the program; the program provides plenty room for the teachers personal input.Before, during and after the program the school can call on Tactus for help or advise. The program is user-friendly, and should pose no problems to any teacher.The program consists of the following elements: a class introduction, the e-learn computer application, research, class assignments, and an informative meeting for the parents. 
Inhalt:E-Learning-Programm, das sich an 10-bis 12jährige Schüler richtet und sie für einen verantwortungsbewussten Umgang mit Rauchen und Alkohol sensibilisieren möchte. Sie sollen erfahren, welche Risiken und Gefahren Nikotin und Alkohol beinhalten. Das Programm bietet zum einen Informationen, zum anderen auch Unterhaltung in Form von Spielen und kurzen Filmen. Das vermittelte Wissen wird mit Testfragen abgeprüft. Die Website bietet auch die Möglichkeit, in der Klasse eine Umfrage zu dem Thema durchzuführen. Class introductionThe teacher shows a letter directed to the class from professor Profitacto, writing he would like to meet the class to talk about drinking alcohol and smoking. In the letter the professor explains the Prepared in Time program and promises to help the pupils along. Now the pupils can start the e-learn application.E-learn computer applicationThe pupils individually go through the separate subjects ‘smoking’ and ‘alcohol’, during which they receive feedback from professor Profitacto. Through animations, short movies, questions and games the pupils learn about the risks of drinking alcohol and smoking tobacco. At the same time they become aware of their attitudes towards these substances. This contributes to a more positive behavioural intention, i.e. postponement of drinking alcohol and not starting to smoke.The teacher can login to the teachers environment in order to enter names of pupils, monitor progression, download class results, change settings or download class assignments. ResearchThe digital learning environment creates a valuable database by registering the data pupils have entered. The intervention results in measurements of knowledge, attitudes and behavioural intentions at group level. After all pupils have completed the e-learn application, the teacher is presented an overview of the results. The privacy of the pupils is guaranteed; the overview does not reveal individual scores. The results are immediately available, enabling the teacher to adequately select group assignments, and thus optimally proceed on the e-learn application. Also, the combined results of all participating primary schools form a clear and reliable input for local government. Involved communities in the region receive a report containing figures and findings that can be used in support of developing policies towards alcohol and drugs. Furthermore, the results of the e-learn application can be easily matched with national figures on alcohol and tobacco use among youngsters. The questions asked correspond to those in the ‘Peilstation’ survey that is conducted every 4 years by the Ministry of VWS but also to those used in research on juvenile smoking habits by Stivoro. Class assignmentsThe program offers an extra dimension by means of class assignments. The teacher has two standard class assignments at his or her disposal and moreover several optional assignments. The class assignments follow the e-learn computer application, when all pupils finished the application. Raised subjects are for instance dependency, dealing with social pressure and learning to say ‘no’. Informative meeting for the parentsParents are of pedagogic importance when it comes to responsible behaviour with relation to alcohol and drugs. Therefore parents are involved in the program through an informative meeting. Tactus can (partly) provide for the content of this meeting. Another possibility is a meeting of parents and pupils together, where pupils bring up their own input.
Bildungsbereich:Schule, Primarstufe 
Bildungskategorie:ethische Bildung, gesundheitliche Bildung 
Systematik:Gesundheit, Grundschule, Kinder- und Jugendbildung
14.8 Punkte - empfehlenswertes didaktisches Multimediaprodukt – gut (2)
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